In Home Session Options
A. Lifestyle Newborn: Session captured in the comfort of clients home. No wraps or setups are included in this package. These include a minimum of 16-20 edited images with personal online gallery and print release $150.00 session fee.
B. Petite Newborn: Session captured in the comfort of clients home. Lifestyle images omitted. Newborn only images including 2-3 wrapped setups (2-3 props and 2-3 wraps/outfits) with 1 backdrop of clients choice. Includes a minimum of 12-15 edited images with personal online gallery and print release. $175.00 session fee.
C. Extended Newborn: Session captured in the comfort of clients home. Newborn only images include a minimum of 5 wrapped setups (5+props and 5+wraps/outfits). 2-3 backdrops of clients choice. Includes a minimum of 25-30 edited images with personal online gallery and print release. $200.00 session fee.
D. Lifestyle Plus Extended: Session captured in the comfort of clients home. Newborn plus in home family images are captured (minimum of 8-10) in addition to 4-5 wrapped setups with backdrop of clients choice. Includes altogether a minimum of 30+ online edited images with personal online gallery and print release. $250.00 session fee.
Ala Carte Options:
A. Sibling Add On (if package B or C chosen): $25.00
B. Family Pet Add On (if package B or C chosen): $25.00